Hi everyone.
Since I started with filming vlog's. I focused a lot of energy in making videos interesting, fun and with as many informations as possible. Still trying to keep this videos short #fingerscrossed.
As this is new and important topic, Contrast in Miniature Art.
I prefere to have it here in written form as well.
For those interested in video - you can see it here: https://youtu.be/T4BDBtvChF8
Or by clicking on photos from this post. :)
I will not go too deep in a definition of contrast, I will just mention what we all know and it meaning of contrast - two complete opposites.
What is important for me in miniature art project is nicely balanced composition.
To achieve this balance I will go trough few thesis regarding today's topic of contrast:
- Big and Small
- Opposite shapes (sharp / dull, with corners / without corners
etc... )
- Cold and Warm
- Complementary colours ( exp. magenta–green, yellow–blue, cyan–red.... )
- Light and Dark
- Smooth and Rough (Smooth and Textured)
- Matte and Glossy
- etc..
I will go trough this few exemples of #craftworldstudio (Marko's and Mine works - works in progress).
This project have very dramatic atmosphere.
With strong light from magic effects in green tones - complementary red cloth again with green shadows.
So composition of tonal contrast is dark green - red - light green.
Contrast of the cloth is very strong in tones and in light/shadows. Still as material is not reflective, lightest tone is this strong red.
While, metal on this work is very light, with very strong shadows / in contrast with very strong lights and reflections. It looks very shiny in contrast with dark cloth.
On the base I have also transition from cold heavy (blue) surrounding to warm but ghostly spell.
Take a look at this soft pastel transitions on this two bases. Most of contrast is interpreted in tonal values. I also played with level of details where I have more rough brushstrokes on spotlight and less smooth brushstrokes in dark parts.
Light difference between materials with slightly colder or warmer tone.
In addition, this figure is following the same atmosphere as on the base, with the same elements:
- soft and rough textures,
- warm and cold - lights and shadows
- dull and reflective materials
- colder whites on cloth - warmer whites in hair
This older work of mine is in very natural atmosphere.
Again balance in contrast here is achieved by:
- skin and fur
- smooth and textures
- blue and orange
- glossy and matt (finishing touches where paint on the leather parts have that glossy finish while skin and rest of the figure are matte)
-this example follows the same rule on her hornes - glossy horn / matte warpaint
This is project that Marko and I have painted together.
Imagine atmosphere where you have light striking from window. To make that hard light reflection on the floor and to have this strong shadow from the throne, you would have some medium tone in the room. Not too light, not too dark.
But this room is in ruins, so we had to create some kind of stage - spotlight atmosphere and to play a lot with tones - textures - levels - materials...
Center - focal point is shiney golden thrones and elements arond.
Central atmosphere is that midtone of violet as a spotlight attracting the view.
As well as strong contrast of a light and shadow on the center on the display.
To frame a composition we have color/tonal contrast of a green vignette around violet spotlight.
Strong shadows are blue - in contrast with strong yellow light.
As well as cold in contrast with warm.
Overall, although different. All of this artworks follow few simple definitions. And they have few values covered and balanced - in this article mentioned - contrast wise.
This is a quick insight and explanation on contrast on Marko's and mine miniature project.
Giving you all insight on how to perceive and interpret contrast in more values. Not only as light and dark.
Hope you like this article,
Be sure to visit my video as well, as there you can hear more of the explanations on this project.
Thank you all for reading.
Aleksandra, Mrs.Craftworld
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Craftworld Studio FB: www.facebook.com/craftworldstudio
Craftworld Studio website: https://craftworldart.wixsite.com/page
Craftworld Studio Instagram: www.instagram.com/craftworldstudio
Mrs.Craftworld Instagram: www.instagram.com/mrscraftworld
As well as on Craftworld Studio YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRYf6Ez9KxKB5vv07shfHCg?view_as=subscriber